"WARRIORS:- ’Your Highness! Our enemies are going beyond their limits. They are testing our tolerance limits. We know that you are a very good and liberal King, but your good and humble nature is not at all scaring our enemies to attack the innocent people of our kingdom. We are waiting for your orders.'
KING:- ' Oho! Is it a sin to be a good and peace-loving King? I am confused now. How to tackle the attacks of our enemies? Our enemies are not in a mood to sign any peace treaty with us. What to do now?'
HERMIT:- ‘Your Highness! Massive destruction paves the way for new, innovative construction. If our enemies don't want to sign any peace treaty, then we hardly have any other option. We are bound to counter-attack our enemies; otherwise, the innocent people of our kingdom will get killed by them.'
KING:- 'But, I hate blood-sheds and violence. Is there no other way to defend ourselves from our enemies?'
WARRIORS:- 'Your Highness! Counter-Attack is the best Defense. If we will not get orders from you to destroy our enemies in the battlefield, then what for we have aspired to become great warriors. Order us!'
KING:- 'Ok! Destroy our enemies into ashes to create a new history of courage, brevity and patriotism.'
WARRIORS:- 'Thank you! Your Highness! We will fight till the last drops of our blood, but, next time, please make sure that we get modern Arms and Ammunitions. All the artilleries and other warfare weapons have become obsolete, which has indirectly given a big advantage to the armed forces of our enemies.'
KING:- 'What! How can they become obsolete? Is it true?'
GENERAL OF ARMED FORCES:- ‘Your Highness! Yes, it is true! Many firms have approached our armed forces and sold all their obsolete vehicles, arms, ammunitions and other warfare related things by giving around 25% commission to the top administrative committee of the Armed Forces. Even I have been offered bribes of 5000 Gold Coins with pure Hallmark for approving their deals. As an honest person, I have not taken that bribe.’
KING:- ‘The character of BHIBHISANA is more harmful than the character of RAVAANA. What should I do now?’
HERMIT:- ’Your Highness! This is a virus of ‘CORRUPTIONS IN THE NAME OF COMMISSIONS’. We will install some anti-virus in our bureaucratic level to wipe it out, though on a temporary basis, because we don’t know where the ‘Mother Program’ of this virus has been kept hidden. This may just be a tip of the ice-berg. You must be ready for other big surprises also. Now, let the warriors focus on war only both internal and external.’
KING:- ’Really! Now, I am feeling that I have been a very liberal King in my tenure and too much sweetness has caused diabetes for our kingdom. I have to become a strict King now. Personally, I request all the common people of my kingdom to act like Whistleblowers now.’
ROYAL ASTROLOGER:- ’Your Highness! Already several Whistleblowers have given sacrifice for their honesty, loyalty and integrity towards their motherland. I can predict with 100% guarantee that Whistleblowers will stop blowing the whistle in the near future, unless you provide them full-fledged security by all means.’
KING:- ’Ok! I will provide them all the securities. Don’t worry! But, the virus of ‘CORRUPTIONS IN THE NAME OF COMMISSIONS (BRIBE)’ should be wiped out from our kingdom as early as possible; otherwise, I will be dethroned very soon. Oh! God! Please save this kingdom from corruption, if I fail in my mission!’"-Arindam Sain